Our Refund Policy was last updated in April, 2024

Refund Policy for metal.so users

At metal, we strive to provide exceptional service and satisfaction to our customers. This refund policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds are provided.

1. Eligibility for Refund:

We offer refunds only under the following circumstances:

2. Refund Process:

To request a refund, please contact our customer support team at [email protected] with your purchase details and the reason for the refund request. Our team will review your request and respond within 3 working days with further instructions.

3. Refund Amount:

Refunds will be issued for the amount paid for the subscription or purchase, minus any discounts, coupons, or prorated charges applied.

4. Payment Method:

Refunds will be credited back to the original payment method used for the purchase. Please allow at least 14 days for the refund to be processed and reflected in your account.

5. Policy Changes:

We reserve the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.

By using our service, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this refund policy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact us at [email protected]